TimeBolt now supports exporting timelines in a non-destructive manner to Camtasia. The export is supported on both Mac and Windows, although the process is slightly different on either platforms.

The idea is to create a timeline with just the media file that you’d like TimeBolt to work on in Camtasia. Then have TimeBolt alter the TSCPROJ/CMPROJ through the TimeBolt Interface.

The file we are going to run the process on is called ‘video.mp4’.

For Windows


  1. Open Camtasia.

  2. Import the file that you want to run through TimeBolt, video.mp4 in this case.

  3. Drop the video.mp4 file in the timeline and make sure it’s aligned at zero seconds.

  4. Save the project as a TSCPROJ file.

  5. Open TimeBolt.

  6. Select the video.mp4 file and run it.

  7. Once you’re happy with the cuts, scroll to the bottom and under the ‘Export’ section, select ‘TSCPROJ’.

  8. A dialog box will pop-up, where you’ll select the TSCPROJ file we saved from Camtasia.

    1. IMP: You will need to double click on the TSCPROJ file, go inside it and select the real TSCPROJ file.