
TimeBolt can take a raw video file and generate a super accurate, fully-jumpcut timeline in a matter of seconds. You can then take this timeline and import it directly into Final Cut Pro X via FCPXML while preserving all of the cuts made.

What is an FCPXML File?

An FCPXML File, in the context of Final Cut Pro X and TimeBolt, is a lightweight instruction file which you can use to transfer information between TimeBolt and Final Cut Pro X. You don’t have to render out the full video in TimeBolt and it’s instantly generated. Do all cut work and enhancements inside TimeBolt, and then export a fully cut timeline into Final Cut Pro X.

Why use FCPXML?

How to Export FCPXML from TimeBolt

You can export FCPXML from Final Cut Pro X into TimeBolt for regular video and audio files, but it’s good to know that TimeBolt also supports FCPXML Export for video files that have multi-track audio. These are file generally generated while game streaming or while watching reaction videos.